Monday, September 8, 2008

Is Growth Hormone The First True AntiAging Medication?

Is Growth Hormone The First True Anti-Aging Medication?
By Stephen Morgan

Whether we like it or not it is a fact that we are all going to old sometime? Whether you try to hide it with cosmetics, exercise whatever, you can't reverse time. Or can you?

It is a fact with the current baby boomer generation approaching their mid 50s and early 60s that the numbers of elderly Westerners are substantially increasing. This is having a knock on effect in a number of social areas but none more so marked than in health.

One of the interesting side effects off the advancement of old age is that as generations go by we respond differently and also grow old in different ways.

It is also one of life's ironies that as they say Youth is wasted on the young and it also follows that Experience and financial security are wasted on the old. This last fact is ironic in that you have the experience and financial security but you've lost the energy and enthusiasm with which to enjoy it.

However with the recent advancements in medical technology the above mentioned truisms no longer have to be the case for it would appear that we have now' discovered that old age could well be simply a state of hormonal deficiency. If we follow this logic through to tapes and logical conclusion then these symptoms of old-age could well be symptoms and can be reversed.

At the forefront off the potential list of the hormones that possibly can be replaced and help to provide for longer, healthier, more productive lives is the human growth hormone (HGH). A lot has been made out about human growth hormone and its incredible properties but conversely one of the more incredible properties about human growth hormone is in fact that it actually is not that incredible.

With me so far or am I talking out of my hat?

Growth hormone is natural; it is found in abundance within the human body during youth and in fact it is a substance that actually retains the properties of youth but loses this efficiency with age. Growth hormone (GH) is essential to growth and as a supplement is given to children who suffer with abnormally slow bone growth to help enable them to grow taller.

Growth hormone deficiency can manifest itself in a number of ways, one of which leads to an increase in cardiovascular deaths. In these situations one of the more positive effects of human growth is increased cardiac function. Another sign effect of growth hormone deficiency he is quite often an abnormal amount of body fat and the distribution of this body fat.

One of human growth hormones most dramatic effects is with regards to what could be euphemistically referred to as connective tissue, muscle and the healing potential off the humans on bone structure, the skeletal structure. A deficiency of growth hormone has also been noted on patients who suffer with fragile skin and ulcers, fractured bones but do not heal quickly efficiently or quickly and a marked loss in muscle strength.

Whether human growth is actually the profound anti-aging treatment we all so desperately desire is still as they say in all good courtroom dramas up for question.

There is no doubt however that it is part of the equation if not the sole solution.

Stephen Morgan writes about a number of Internet based issues such as Human Growth Hormone Treatment and HGH.

A keen proponent of all aspects of free and independent services available, he advises clients to look at the whole mix of online services available at hgh reviews.

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