Thursday, September 4, 2008

Anti Aging Is it Really Possible?

Anti Aging - Is it Really Possible?
By Yola Orlowska

There are two schools of thought here. One group made up of health practitioners, scientists and manufacturers who strongly believe that anti aging is possible and mainstream medical providers who believe that fighting the aging process is pointless.

Let's look at both sides of the debate.

Mainstream medicine employs a rather limited, narrow point of view by refuting that nothing can be done to expand our lifetime here on Earth. I think it's reasonable to say that we now know that regular cardiovascular exercise and eating a healthy diet can make a significant difference to your health and your appearance.

Sleeping is another. Getting enough sleep is pivotal in the fight against aging. During sleep, cells regenerate, DNA is repaired and our natural growth hormone is produced and released.

Bet you didn't know you could do so much with your eyes closed.

Smoking. Kick the habit. Not only does it damage precious brain cells, it also dries out your skin. I was a smoker for 18 years and quit 11 years ago. If I can do it, so can you.

Alcohol. Moderate your consumption. We all know the dehydration that's associated with drinking, which can lead to your complexion looking old, tired and ruddy.

Now we have the other faction that believes that exercise and nutrition are important to the anti aging process. Great! However, it all falls apart after this by the promotion of products and or procedures that

~ paralyse your facial muscles by the injection of poisons into your muscle tissue

~ the use of fillers to mask wrinkles

~ stem cell injections foetal tissue extract in a syringe.

These procedures are dangerous not to mention some of which are plain unethical.

The thought of tissue extract from aborted and sometimes stolen babies being injected into me make me physically sick. How would you feel?

Face it, these treatments are simply an expensive cover up and after a few of them, you'll start to look a little odd.

These kind of tactics can be likened to painting a car with signs of rust. Just because you can no longer see the rust, doesn't mean it isn't there, eating away at your car underneath that fancy paint job.

Real anti aging solutions are at your fingertips. Practice healthy eating habits, exercise, avoid toxic substances and use natural products that will work over a period of time instead of opting for instant gratification.

Nourish, nurture and care for your most prized possession and it will reward you with glowing health for the rest of your life.

After eight years of research I created the Elixir Skin and Body Care Range Of Products. My approach to my own skin has always been a simple, natural look so the philosophy for Elixir Body Care was easy. Naturally healthy skin is the most important element to looking great.

Find out more at

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