Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Best AntiAging Supplement Exercise!

The Best Anti-Aging Supplement - Exercise!
By Sagi Venkata Ramana

All of us chart our age according to our official birth certificates. But consider this: apart from certain cells in our eyes and brains every part of our body is constantly renewing itself. This means we should feel younger and younger. But more often than not, we even feel older than that!

There are several reasons for this mismatch between our chronological (certified) and biological age. For one, the rate of renewal begins to chug slowly down even after we turn 25 years.

Some Drastic Changes:

Muscle tone is less. This means we are less efficient at utilizing all that stored up energy. So we become fatter even as our muscles become slacker.

Memory loss is on a subtle but definite downswing. The white coating of nerve cells is wearing out, biting into our reaction and recall abilities.

Ageing skin is a fact. It loses its moisture-retaining capacity, causing wrinkles. Bones are shrinking inside, providing less support.

The elasticity of collagen, which gives that nice firm support, is also wearing out.

Pain is felt more. Because collagen is becoming thinner, giving a less cushioning effect. Bone density is less, meaning it is more prone to fractures. Healing takes longer. Nutrient absorption is also hit, so repair is again compromised.

Hormones are winding up. Glands are beginning to shut their taps. We suffer this as chronic fatigue, less interest in sex, lack of enthusiasm in most things and more susceptibility to infections.

Escaping The Age TRAP:

Exercise is the only way to restore and retain our muscle tone. This also makes our bones denser, helping them store minerals.

Pain management becomes easier. Exercise also improves the tone of arteries, so that they can more efficiently transport blood to all the minute neglected parts of the body. This helps the skin retain its youthful bloom. Improved blood circulation, through exercise.

This facilitates transport of nutrients, fuel and oxygen and removal of waste, so we look younger. Resistance training doing weights, machines, intermediate and advanced yoga postures all help.

Keeping yourself actively engaged, with social work, hobbies and friends would help in keeping your brain younger.

Even though neurons or brain cells are bound to die, we can help the remaining nerve cells by building fresh connections, by keeping ourselves mentally stimulated.

Venkata Ramana is the owner of an Anti Aging Supplement Blog. Visit his Anti Aging Product website and get answers to most of your questions about antiaging.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Next Generation of AntiAging Products is HGH + Velvet Deer Antler

The Next Generation of Anti-Aging Products is HGH + Velvet Deer Antler
By Michael Harvey

Everyone knows the benefits of HGH, Human Growth Hormone, as a fantastic anti-aging potion. But the next generation of anti-aging products is including Velvet Deer Antler. What exactly is Velvet Deer Antler and why is it so important?

Velvet Deer Antler is the closest thing, in terms of molecular structure, to IGF-1, Insulin Growth Factor, that biologists have been able to find. IGF-1 is what produces the anti-aging effects sought out by everyone over thirty years old. IGF-1 is the most important growth factor that is produced. You can think of HGH as the hormone that gets the ball rolling, but IGF-1 does most of the work.

Homeopathic HGH puts just enough HGH into your system to get the body to trigger your liver into responding as if there were an increase in growth hormone into the system. The liver then produces IGF-1 in response and the body feels the effects of this IGF-1.

Increased Insulin-Like-Growth Factor (IGF-1) levels are used as an indicator of human growth hormone levels and can be measured. IGF-1 secretion is much more steady than that of growth hormone. Velvet Deer Antler mimics insulin-like-growth factor almost perfectly!

IGF-1 is a natural anabolic growth factor molecule and is a protein that promotes tissue growth, organ health, and healthy blood sugar levels. As we age and less Growth Hormone is released from the pituitary gland, there is a corresponding drop in IGF-1 levels, yet the bodies demand does not decrease. As IGF-1 levels decline, the vitality and physical exuberance of youth recedes, further contributing to the process and experience of aging.

So a majority of the rejuvenating effects of growth hormone is actually due to IGF-1 acting on its target cells. The major role of growth hormone in stimulating body growth is to stimulate the liver and other tissues to secrete IGF-1.

IGF-1 is a polypeptide compound produced from HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Thats why its so important to take a product that contains both HGH and Velvet Deer Antler. IGF-1 has been shown to increase the transport of amino acids into muscle cells throughout the body, thus regenerating these tissues after exercise. It provides the raw material needed to repair damage to the cells.

The next generation of homeopathic HGH products includes Velvet Deer Antler so that the liver is not relied upon to produce the IGF-1 effects. Most people feel an increase in energy, endurance, mental clarity, better digestion, more restful sleep, an increase in libido, and many other benefits.

One online retailer says that 90% of their regular users of HGH (without the IGF-1) switch over to the HGH with Velvet Deer Antler IGF-1. 10% dont notice any difference and stay with the less expensive HGH alone. Velvet Deer Antler is totally natural.

IGF-1 is currently listed by the FDA as an orphan drug. It is now illegal for manufacturers to provide it to any lab creating products for over-the-counter sales. Any retailer selling a product containing IGF-1 is doing so in violation of the law. However, homeopathic products are made from Velvet Deer Antler which mimics perfectly the same reaction from your body as if you were taking IGF-1. Deer Antler is completely legal for over the counter sales.

Michael Harvey is a retired professional athlete who has been in the nutritional industry since 1995. He has the most informative webpage on HGH at which includes Velvet Deer Antler at A full discussion on the topic including scams and hijinx. The author maintains another very informative websites on health and nutrition located at

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What Have Antioxidants To Do With Skin Anti Aging?

What Have Antioxidants To Do With Skin Anti Aging?
By Valerian D.

Very possible, you might not know what antioxidants are and how much they are beneficial for your healthy condition. Very possible, you might not be aware that antioxidants have a great contribution in preventing early aging.

An antioxidant is an important element that is very necessary to our body to save vital cell structures. This protection is done by neutralizing dangerous molecules called the free radicals generated by environmental factors such as chemical pollution and fumes. This hazardous molecules can cause major harm to your skin, and furthermore, may cause skin aging.

Thus, one of the reason you need antioxidants is to save and protect this largest part of your body. For days to come, antioxidant can make you look younger than your age.

The next question you might have is related to the real source of antioxidants which are used for anti aging.

To answer this difficult question, I must remind you probably have heard many times about Vitamin E. It is a great nutritient for the skin and also has antioxidant effects, i.e protects your skin from hazardous free radicals. Fresh fruits and vegetables are full potential sources of all antioxidant elements involved in anti aging process. By consequence, they must be parts of a healthy eating plan as the young appearance of skin is a new standard of modern living.

Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in issues affecting men and women as well such as skin anti aging

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Who's AntiAging Program is Best?

Who's Anti-Aging Program is Best?
By Patricia Little

Anti-aging has taken on a new level of importance with the years increasing for every mortal. There has been a human assumption that this has occurred as a result of man-based unusual and wonderful scientific discoveries. Unique body needs, special discoveries of vitamins and tonics worked in with new and highly respected medical skills have been undertaken addressing specific and complicated operational needs.

Certainly most of the discoveries have provided blessings and quality when applied during time of need.

Man is certainly living longer but because of the outworking of the Fathers Plan not because of a false perceived brilliance. It has often been overlooked that He is the one at the foundation of most of these discoveries, revelations and content of the vitamin C.

The health and medical industry has been a vehicle through which He can teach us how to eliminate a disease, extend a life or remove sagging eye skin.

The basic but most powerful tools for enjoying the longer ordained life span comes from a diet as close as possible to its natural state, an exercise program that would have been equivalent to the growing, finding, catching and preparation of the desired calories.

Any neighborhood or family challenge must be dealt with before the setting of the sun whilst days are spent doing that which He gave us to love.

Copyright 2006 Patricia Little

Patricia Little is a writer and the editor of a re-released classic ebook- it will show you how to get the best of health and wealth out of all your future years. For more go to ==>

Remarkable How I Became Young at Sixty brings renewed vigor to your body, and hope to your mind. You Can Get your Free ebook How I Became Young at Sixty by going to

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

All about Oily Skin Anti Aging Products

All about Oily Skin Anti Aging Products
By Oliver Turner

Is there any thing called oily skin anti aging products? Yes! There is. Oily skin is an outcome of excessive secretion of sebum (an oily matter that is naturally produced by skin). When excessive sebum is produced, it starts clogging of skin pores, intern accumulates dead cells and pimples start coming up. Oily skin plunders your looks too. Therefore oily skin care is as significant as the anti aging skin care for other types of skin.

Effective Treatment Of Oily Skin Through Anti Aging Products

Anti aging skin care treatment for oily skin includes moisturizing, cleansing, and protecting your skin with medicines available to provide oily skin answers. Oily skin treatment starts with the use of a cleanser. But, all cleansers will not work effectively. The basic goal of oily skin treatment is the elimination of excessive sebum or oil from the skin. You require a cleanser that contains a beta-hydroxy acid (salicylic acid) that can slow down the rate of sebum secretion. Most of the anti aging cosmetic products for oily skin are oil-free; therefore, check the ingredients of the product before purchasing it. Anti aging skin care supplements for oily skin is also dependent on the degree of oiliness.

If you arent too much oily, some of those skin care products that are suitable for all type of skins might be working for you too. If you have tremendously oily skin, you can use anti aging products made only for oily skin. You can use a mild moisturizer. But make sure to use one that is wax-free, oil-free and lipid-free. You can also apply a clay mask as an anti aging skin care treatment for oily skin.

You Only Hold The Key!

So far your oily skin anti aging products are concerned, you might need to test out a few before you actually arrive at the one that is exactly suitable for your skin. The best anti aging treatment for oily skin should commence internally, which means it should take total care of your skin with maximum benefit.

We have made an independent research on the subject of anti aging skin care products. Find it only on the oily skin antiaging product research. Find more anti aging info on

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Add Nuts to Your Anti Aging Supplement Regime for Extra Prevention

Add Nuts to Your Anti Aging Supplement Regime for Extra Prevention
By Terry Price

Would you like to reduce your risk of coronary artery disease? The answer to that question, is, I'm sure you would, and according to a Penn State University report released in 2001, they have determined that eating nuts on a regular basis significantly reduces the incidence of coronary heart disease. Numerous studies have been done over the years, and one in particular, by a Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton. He conducted a formal review of 16 different studies to determine whether nuts are a factor in heart disease prevention. Of course, attention to your entire dietary intake is important when it comes to antiaging or preventing heart disease. He determined that eating an ounce of nuts, more than five times a week will actually reduce the risk of coronary artery disease an astounding 25 to 39%. Three to 4 ounces of nuts is equivalent to three or four tablespoons, and combined with some anti aging supplements, is a good first step in prevention.

Scientists haven't determined if some types of nuts are better than others, but they recommend eating, a large variety of different kinds. Their studies were based on different varieties. However, 50% of the nuts consumed in these studies were actually peanuts. Overall, nuts, regardless of the type are an excellent addition in your diet as an antiaging product.

Since nuts contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and are low in the saturated fatty acids, they seem to think this is the reason. Since the saturated fatty acids are a major cause of coronary heart disease and high cholesterol, they recommend substituting unsaturated for saturated fatty acids in your diet as a good cholesterol prevention method, and nuts appear to help these cholesterol levels. Remember as well, that good, antiaging health habits start on a daily basis, by consuming anti aging supplements and antioxidant antiaging products as well.

Terry Price is an expert author and a regular contributor to: : Are you looking for an hgh antiaging spray?

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

9 Anti Aging Ingredients and Methods Effective in Diminish Wrinkles

9 Anti Aging Ingredients and Methods Effective in Diminish Wrinkles
By Valerian D.

1. Vitamin A: Despite its insignificant inflammatory action, it can help diminish the depth of many wrinkles.

2. Vitamin C: Improve blood flow and boost the collagen production within the body. It may lead an aged dull and dry skin to bright appearance..

3. Vitamin E: It is an antioxidant able to protect skin against damaging effect of free radicals. It also improves circulation, strengthens the immune system, and protects red blood cell membranes.

4. Coenzyme Q10: This important antioxidant is helpful at protecting the skin from free radical hazardous action. It can be found as an ingredient in skin care creams or in oral vitamin supplements.

5. Alpha Hydroxy Acids: They are fruit acids and are useful to eliminate dead skin cells that can dull the appearance of the face.

6. Anti Aging Procedures Botox: This neurotoxin generates a slight paralysis of the muscles around the wrinkles. Once injected under the skin, Botox can produce anti aging results similar to surgery.

7. Dermabrasion: This procedure uses microcrystals or other sanding equipment to remove facial skin from the affected area. It requires a recovery of several weeks.

8. Laser Resurfacing: This new technique uses a controlled laser beam to scrape the outer layer of damaged skin. It can dramatically reduce the appearance of fine line and deeper wrinkles.It is an invasive surgical procedure that has risks such as excessive scarring, infection, redness and dryness.

9. Chemical Peels: This procedure requires ten to fifteen minutes in the doctor's office. By applying a chemical substance to your skin the damaged areas are burned. It must be repeated frequently because the results are only temporary.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in health affecting men and women as well such as wrinkles removal

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Options for an Effective Anti Aging Treatment

Options for an Effective Anti Aging Treatment
By Valerian D.

The look of aging skin is a major consequence of our modern living. Due of the increasing number of toxins from today's environment our skin is harmed and poisoned every moment. This situation causes acne and severe abrasions than can be very difficult to remove of.

Dermatological studies and researches have been concluded a list of nutrients, vitamins and procedures that can be used to help prevent the aging process and improve its action.

It was Botox and other painful treatments . They can be avoided now with the use of delicate creams or lotions such Strivectin or Hylexin or harmless dermatological procedures.

Dermabrasion, Microdermabrasion are excellent examples of dermatological procedures.

Developed long, long time ago by a German dermatologist, dermabrasion was originally created for the treatment of acne scars. Then it has been used with great success to remove many forms of skin abrasions and can be effective for the safe removal of tattoos. Dermabrasion is available either through chemicals or through laser. During the treatment patients do endure a slight pain and a certain amount of rawness. But they should be expected as normal part of procedure.

Microdermabrasion targets wrinkles and fine lines, sun damaged skin, age spots and just about every kind of aging skin problem you may have. This procedure smoothen the skin by using a fine mist of crystals. Then a vacuum action removes dead outer skin layers giving the appearance of soft and smooth skin. Several years ago it was necessary to go to a professional, but today there are kits for the comfort of your own home.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in issues affecting men and women as well such as wrinkles removal

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Sunless Tanning Lotions The AntiAging Fake Bake that Looks Great

Sunless Tanning Lotions - The Anti-Aging Fake Bake that Looks Great
By S.A. Smith

Sunless tanning is growing in popularity and is one that health-conscious people as well as doctors can agree on. Your fake tan or tan in a bottle can save your life. You are avoiding skin cancer from harmful UV rays. You will also look better as you age because your sunless tan requires no exposure to UV rays which are known to accelerate wrinkles and aging.

Sunless tanning products are designed to be easy to apply although it may sometimes be a little time-consuming. If you do it regularly, you will find that it gets faster and easier. The tan lasts for about 8 or 9 days with most porducts, and you will have to reapply to maintain a tan. While it may seem like a lot of trouble, it is well worth it to protect your skin and your health. If a tan is really that important to you but you dont want to increase your risk of sun damage, then you should not mind taking the extra time to apply sunless tanners.

If you havent tried sunless tanning lotions recently, you may not know how improved and advanced they have become. You no longer have to worry about turning yourself orange or looking like you need to bathe. Spotty, splotchy and orange sunless tanners are a thing of the past. Sunless tanners take about 3 to 4 hours to start developing and will reach peak coloration 24 hours after application. You get a great golden tan that appears natural as well. If you do use the tanning bed occasionally, you can use the sunless tanning products to maintain that tan so you spend less time in the damaging rays.

Sunless tanning is a great option for people who cannot tan in traditional sun UV rays. For example, people with fair skin, freckles, red hair or very light blonde hair can have difficulty tanning in natural sunlight. You should also avoid it if you have had sun damage in the past, a family history of skin cancer, are taking medications that increase your sensitivity to the sun and for several other reasons. Sunless tanners let these people get the look they want with no risk to their health.

The most important benefits to sunless tanning are the health benefits. It is a fact that exposure to UV rays causes skin cancer and creates signs of early aging with wrinkles and sun spots. Most people who are concerned with their looks enough to want a great tan will also be concerned about not getting early wrinkles and other signs of aging. Sunless tanning products are a great alternative to tanning beds and can help to maintain the look of a a healthy tanned appearance year-round without the associated risks and aging effects.

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S.A. Smith is a freelance writer, contributor, and editor of the Tanning Skin Care information portal which reports on the latest sun tanning trends, beachwear, lotions, skincare and healthier sunless tanning alternatives.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Anti aging Medicine: A Step by Step Guide

Anti aging Medicine: A Step by Step Guide
By Kenny King

There are lots products on the market wanting you to believe that they alone are all you need to fight off old age, but the old adage that simpler is better, holds true for anti aging medicine as well as in anything else. Thus, the best anti aging medicine is the least appealing, the un-sexiest product of all: a consistently balanced, healthy diet and exercise. Still, when you've got the diet and exercise part of your life under control, it may be time to add some other anti aging medicine anti aging medicines into the mix.

How to Choose the Best Anti aging Medicine for You

The easiest, healthiest way to choose the best anti aging medicine is by consulting your doctor. A ton of anti aging medicine products exist on the market and finding the right one, one that will help and not harm you is imperative. Most of them are called age prevention products and seek to boost your immune system to ward off old age. Still, we strongly recommend a doctors consultation despite the fact that most age preventing medicines are available over the counter. The possibility of a reaction to anti aging medicine is worth researching. Of course, it may not be the product itself, but the new product with something you are already taking presently could cause complications, which is why a doctor is the best person to direct you. The article does not address the difference between regular vitamins and whole foods vitamins, but if you've not had success with regular vitamins, you should definitely look into taking whole foods vitamins.

Most anti aging medicines work by boosting your immune system through antioxidants, which remove free radicals from you blood thus preventing them from damaging cells, preventing premature aging. Thus, a regular, daily supplement of vitamins heavy on the antioxidants is a logical anti aging medicine. Of course, this is supplement and your basic anti aging medicine is eating well, fruits and vegetables, certain grains and kidney beans and al the lentils.

Some Other Anti aging Agents

One mustn't forget that the environment plays a part in our aging. Be sure to wear sunscreen with a high ph every time you're in the sun for more than fifteen minutes. Tans are still sexy, but they are not good for your skin and will age you rather quickly. This is important even on cloudy days and during the winter since UV or ultra-violet light is not respecter of cloud cover or seasons. The reason people get more skin damage in the summer is because they are typically outside more for longer durations of time not because the sun's UV rays have lost any potency.

Hydration or water is another important factor to keep your skin from aging prematurely. Remember to consume 6-8 eight ounce glasses of water a day, and while coffee, tea, and soda are all liquids, they contain caffeine which dehydrates you and thus they do not count as water intake. Along the lines of hydration, people are often dehydrated in the winter because of heating units that dry-out the air. You should get a humidifier, preferably a cool mist humidifier, to counter-act this unpleasant side-effect of heating your home.

Helpful Tips: Step by Step

It all starts with you, but don't try to do it all at once; you'll probably fail if you try too much at once. Take it step by step. Start with looking at your diet. When you've removed the high fat and high sugar from you diet, take a look at your exercise habits. When you've added a practical exercise routine to your week, take a look at your vitamin intake. Then study your environment. Eventually, you'll have removed the things quickening aging and see the clock turning back.

KJ King

Anti Aging Revealed provides useful information on anti aging. Anti aging medicine is one of the many topics discussed that will help you in staying healthier and looking as young as possible.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

5 Tips to Avoid Damaging Your Antiques

5 Tips to Avoid Damaging Your Antiques
By Martin Swinton

Youve bought a great antique. Now what? Heres what you need to know to avoid damaging your newfound treasures.

1. Ignoring Effects of Relative Humidity

Todays central heating wreaks havoc on antiques. Its the fluctuations in relative humidity caused by central heating that results in real damage.

Wood responds to relative humidity by expanding and contracting as it tries to maintain a balance with its environment. Its not the rapid changes during the course of a day that cause the most damage. Its the long-term seasonal fluctuations, which cause the serious damage.

During the dry winter months when it is cold outside and warm inside, wood tends to shrink. During hot damp summers when it is warm outside and cooler inside, wood tends to expand. Long-term exposure to these conditions leads to cracking, warping and splitting.

To guard against the fluctuations in relative humidity in your home, use a humidifier during the dry winter and a dehumidifier in the damp summer. Think twice before putting quality furniture in the basement, attic, near heating vents or next to your fireplace. Keep fresh air circulating. Maintain a constant room temperature and turn it down at night.

2. Overlooking Impact of Sunlight

Just as sun damage to the skin is cumulative and permanent, its effects on wood are equally destructive. Diffused sunlight over a long period of time can be as harmful as direct sunlight over a short period of time. Sunlight can turn a clear finish yellow. The only good news about sun damage is that its easy to avoid. Draw the drapes, pull the blinds or have an UV-filtering film applied to your windows.

3. Thinking You Are an Accomplished Furniture Restorer

Unless you are an expert furniture restorer, dont attempt to repair broken legs, burn marks or other damage. Inexperienced individuals can strip off patina causing irreversible damage. Leave restoration to professionals. In the long run, it is worth the investment.

4. Over Cleaning Antiques

Remember that less is more when cleaning antiques. Every couple of months, treat your wood furniture a good quality paste wax that can be found in any hardware store. Waxing too often can dull a finish and attract dust. Avoid aerosol spray polishes because they can contain silicone and other agents that can be harmful to your furniture.

For daily cleaning, use a clean cloth or a clean duster. For those who like to use something more, I recommend Orange Oil by Howard Products because it cleans and polishes wood finishes very well. Orange Oil is one of my favourites because it does not leave a wax build-up, and contains neither linseed nor silicone.

5. Rough-Handing Your Antiques

Some repairs to antique furniture can be avoided with more considerate care. Dont lean back on antique chairs or pick them up from the back of the chair, rather lift front and back together. This type of handling coupled with the effects of relative humidity and a chair back may result in your chair back becoming unhinged, requiring repair. Avoid scratches and water damage by using coasters.

Martin Swinton owns Take-A-Boo Emporium, an antique shop located in Toronto, Canada. He does furniture restoration, caning and rushing repairs, custom reproductions, upholstery, teaches courses on antiques and does appraisals for estates and community events. He can be reached at 416-785-4555 or by visiting

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AntiAging Part 6Don't Create a Last Minute Disaster

Anti-Aging - Part 6-Don't Create a Last Minute Disaster
By Patricia Little

Proverbs declares 8.21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue..A primary anti-aging power is available to all through ordinary dialogue with those around. Every spoken word builds the personality of the speaker as well as creating a future that must become reality because of the truth and powers in the words of the verse.

Be conscious of being attached to groups or even friends whose principle topic of conversation starts to become focussed on a very fixed expectation of the future. Ailments, conditions, circumstances, doctors and lawyers can suddenly grow in importance. Each conversation reveals a continuing growing force that dominates the dialogue.

The primary conversation from each of the challenged becomes their identifying trademark. Buckets of negative stories hit the atmosphere strengthened by fearfilled angry thoughts. Bodies suddenly start to become tired, faces become aged and life itself becomes a battleground. Very soon a powerful health challenge has an open door for fertilized growth.

This verse is more of a warning rather than just finding another way of confirming the powers of the spoken word. Death is a strong word, means what it says and must be observed throughout every conversation whether it be with the local baker or the cause of the problem.

Copyright 2006 Patricia Little

Patricia Little is a writer and the editor of a re-released classic ebook- it will show you how to get the best of health and wealth out of all your future years. For more go to ==>

Remarkable How I Became Young at Sixty brings renewed vigor to your body, and hope to your mind. You Can Get your Free ebook How I Became Young at Sixty by going to

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wrinkles Be Gone Anti Aging Skin Care

Wrinkles Be Gone - Anti Aging Skin Care
By Gail Leino

Anti Aging Skin Care is a much sought after and discussed subject for the young and the old. It known that there are two types of skin aging, intrinsic (internal) and extrinsic (external). Intrinsic is caused by the natural aging process.

Our collagen production starts slowing down in our twenties, and dead skin cells don't shed as quickly while new skin cells aren't being made as quickly. Signs of Intrinsic aging are fine wrinkles, thin/transparent skin, loss of underlying fat, sagging skin, dry/itchy skin, inability to sweat as much, thinning nails, gray hair and hair loss. Extrinsic factors are things in our environment that cause premature aging of the skin, UV rays, gravity, stress, repetitive facial expressions, smoking, pollution and even our sleeping position can contribute to premature aging.

Deep wrinkles and leathery skin on the neck and face are signs of overexposure to the sun. The best way to prevent this is to be obsessive about wearing products containing sunscreen, whether it's skin lotion or make up. Also avoid spending long periods of time in the direct sunlight. Smoking causes changes in our bodies that speed up aging. People as young as twenty can have microscopic wrinkling on the face and after a period of time deeply wrinkled, yellowish, leather skin can develop. Hint, stop smoking.

Taking supplements with Vitamins A, E, and C can help your body maintain healthy skin. A clay facial mask once a week removes impurities from the surrounding environment, and helps to soothe the skin reducing redness and dry patches and lifting away dead skin cells. Using an astringent like witch hazel will help to tighten skin and close pores. Regularly applying lotion keeps skin drenched in the moisture it needs to carry on biological processes.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette, and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Here's a place for more info and deals on Anti Aging Skin Care products.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Yerba Mate: The Powerhouse Nutrient For Healing AntiAging and Enhanced Health

Yerba Mate: The Powerhouse Nutrient For Healing, Anti-Aging and Enhanced Health
By Carina MacInnes

Many think of Yerba Mate as a tea beverage. While the chemical components are quite similar to green tea, it is in fact far more nutritious, because scientific study has shown it to contain nearly all of the necessary life-sustaining vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It has been found to be loaded with an even richer and more potent array of antioxidants than green tea.

Yerba Mate, a popular South American beverage, is brewed from the dried leaves and stemlets of the small evergreen Yerba Mate tree found in the highlands of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. Tea comes from a different plant altogether. So while Yerba Mate is similar in chemical structure to tea, it is a completely different beverage altogether.

The Guarani Indians of Paraguay and Uruguay have long been drinking this beverage, and introduced it into modern civilization. It is now consumed by millions of South Americans every day, as a healthy and beneficial energizing coffee alternative.

Yerba Mate contains 52 more known active chemical compounds than green tea. It is loaded with potent phytochemical antioxidants, and in far greater quantities than in green tea. Like green tea, it has anti-cancer and anti-aging benefits, again, in higher quantities.

This amazing plant has an incredibly rich nutritional profile. It provides: Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin, B5, B Complex, Calcium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Selenium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Carotene, Fatty Acids, Chlorophyll, Flavonols, Polyphenols, Inositol, Trace Minerals, Antioxidants, Tannins, Pantothenic Acid and even Amino Acids. Scientists are saying it is quite likely that it contains more powerful nutrients that are yet unknown and undiscovered.

There are so many incredible benefits attributed to Yerba Mate, both from scientific studies and centuries of observation. Some of these benefits include:

-boosts immunity
-increases mental clarity
-helps with digestive problems
-improvement in general well-being, mood, and sleep
-helps to lose weight
-cleanses and detoxifies the blood
-increases supply of oxygen to the heart
-supplies many nutrients needed by the heart for growth and repair
-reduces stress
-reduces the effect of debilitating disease
-allergy relief
-firmer and smoother skintone

Experiencers of digestive problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids have found these to be relieved and easily overcome over a short period of daily use. Some people who require antacids have reported they no longer need to use them after a short time of using Yerba Mate.

People with heart problems have reported clogged arteries clearing up in even just 3 weeks of using Yerba Mate - their doctors have ordered them to stop taking their pills for circulation and clogged arteries.

It has even been used as a food substitute due to its rich nutritional profile. It will eliminate feelings of hunger and give the sensation of having had a full meal. While this is important for those experiencing conditions of famine, it is also helpful for people desiring to lose weight.

There are far too many benefits to go into detail in the space of this article. This is a very powerful healing plant. Because of its vast amount of health benefits for the whole body, Yerba Mate is truly a tonic for wellness.

In addition, essential vitamins and nutrients are best absorbed by the body when taken in their live, natural state. This is why it is far more efficient to use a liquid nutrient like Yerba Mate instead of a multivitamin supplement.

Yerba Mate is one of the most excellent nutrients available in the world today, and should be given the attention of all who are interested in excellent health, anti-aging, wellness, and healing.

Carina MacInnes is an author and entrepreneur. For her daily Yerba Mate intake she chooses a powerful liquid nutrient, incorporating another superfood, the acai berry. Learn about it here: - or to find out how to make money distributing this vital, top-quality wellness product, click here:

Article Source:,-Anti-Aging-and-Enhanced-Health&id=134030