Sunday, July 20, 2008

Anti Aging Cream - Never Again - the Brutal Truth About Anti Aging Creams

Anti aging cream seems to be counted on as some sort of a "magic bullet" these days. As soon as an "anti aging" label is put on a tube of cream, it disappears from the shelves of supermarkets in no time. And no wonder they do!
Ask yourself this question: what does it mean in a modern society to look young and radiant, be attractive and full of energy? The answer is - nearly everything. Our modern society - society of harsh or at times even downright cruel marketing - is extremely unforgiving. It does not leave any room for failure due to aged look or weak self-image. Everywhere you turn, you face high demands to your skills and abilities as well as your appearance.

This unsympathetic reality is pushing us toward constant self-improvement. And this is not necessarily a bad thing. Progress and desire to look better is a good thing! Though the price we have to pay at times to achieve high ambition goals could be too high.

Where people are willing to pay for quick and easy solutions to their problems, there are companies that are willing to sell a product, claiming to perpetually free us from our burdens. The higher the demand, the happier and richer these "magic bullet" suppliers become.

It is extremely logical to expect an anti aging cream to remove the signs of aging from our faces, right? Wrong! Let's be straight: far too many anti aging products do not deliver anything close to what they promise. Far too many promises have been broken by cosmetical companies simply because they fail to develop a product that safely and effectively removes all signs of aging. Does this stop them from advertising their anti aging treatments as if they do - no it doesn't! Because desperate women keep buying their junk, they keep selling it.

Listen to this: most so called "anti aging creams" not only do not deliver long-lasting anti wrinkle effects, but because of included ingredients they cause skin irritation and inflammation (at times in severe forms). Peppermint, arnica, menthol, camphor and many other irritants will actually contribute to forming more wrinkles and deepening the existing ones! Would you like to pay for deeper wrinkles? How about more age spots for $30.00 per jar? No, thanks? I though so! I don't know about you, but by the time I've learned all this brutal reality about anti aging creams (thanks to my bitter experience), I became deeply depressed. Lucky for me I am not someone who gives up easily. If it takes to go an extra mile to get what I want, I will do that.

To make long story short - my persistence paid off. I found some great anti wrinkle creams that are 100% natural, and are based on in-depth scientific research with proven anti aging effect! They meet my high expectation while dealing with all aging symptoms at the same time, delivering quick tangible results within just days of use. There should not be any problem for one great product to get rid of fine as well as deeper wrinkles, age spot, sun damage, "crow's feet", dark circles around eyes, skin discoloration. You don't need to apply fifty different products on your face daily (which can also be quite expensive) while only one anti aging cream can do it for you!

Find out about my personal exclusive full test results after trying out many different anti aging creams, cosmetics and other anti aging products

Anti-Aging Skin Care - Become Younger And Sexier With These Secret Anti Aging Foods

Been hiding your age from the whole world? But for how long will this continue?

Or got fed up trying those tempting anti aging creams, painful surgery and harmful chemicals?

Do Not Worry, dear. Here is a natural treatment to look and get younger, healthier and sexier than you are. Just look around and discover the remedy in the Nature only.

Anti aging foods is the best gift from nature to human beings. These anti aging foods encourage stamina, longevity, relaxing sleep, vitality, and energy offering a general sense of calm and well being. These foods also boost up your blood formation, re-build the tissues, purify your blood, reduce chronic health diseases, and prevent you from anemia, arthritis, fevers, liver spots, and muscular dysfunctions.

So, here is the list of the most effective anti aging foods along with their benefits:

1. Beans and lentils - They reduce the cholesterol in your body and are rich sources of antioxidants, folic acid and potassium.

2. Try kidney, black, navy, pinto, chickpeas, and soybeans for starters.

3. Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, macadamia and pistachio nuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are extremely beneficial for your heart. Raw, unsalted nuts and seeds are the best for your skin.

4. Berries as anti aging antioxidants - Most of them like blackberries, blueberries and blackcurrants are powerful antioxidants that help to protect your body against damage caused by free radicals. Red grape though is not a berry, but has similar properties. Also Acai berry is one of the most nutritious foods on earth.

5. Peppers - Both bell and chili peppers are rich in antioxidants and have twice the Vitamin C as citrus fruit and they can make wonders as fat burners.

6. Garlic, onions, leeks, scallions, chives and shallots help your liver to get rid of the toxins and carcinogens from your body.

7. Buckwheat is another anti aging food with protein and high in amino acids. It stabilizes your blood sugar levels and reduces hypertension.

8. Barley - You can include it in your diet as a breakfast cereal in soups and stews, and as a rice substitute. Also, it is high in fiber and helps metabolize fats, cholesterol and carbohydrates.

9. Green foods - Wheat and Barley grasses are the green foods and you can buy these in any form like powder, tablet or juice form. They offer greater levels of nutrients than green leafy vegetables. These foods also help you to control cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and immune response.

10. Sprouts - Large varieties of sprouts with any meal is a good source of protein and Vitamin C. this special anti aging food boosts your immune system.

11. Whole meal pasta and brown rice contain complex carbohydrates that make you highly energetic. Brown rice is rich in fiber and B group vitamins. Prefer steamed brown rice to fried brown rice.

12. Yogurt and Kefir (a refreshing cultured-milk beverage that increases a sense of well-being) contain healthful bacteria that improve your immunity, and calcium helps burn fat.

13. Avocado for younger looking skin - People avoid avocado because it is fatty but the fact is that it is high in monounsaturated fat thereby reducing cholesterol level. Being the richest source of Vitamin E and potassium, avocado makes your skin young and prevents high blood pressure. So use it in sandwiches instead of butter spread.

14. Fish - Fish is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which stimulate the immune system lowering the risk of heart disease. People eating a lot of fish show lower risk of colorectal, esophageal and stomach cancers.

15. Carrots for cancer protection - Carrots are an excellent source of beta carotene which keeps your immune system strong. Beta carotene also keeps your vision sharp protecting your eyes from age related diseases. Carrots if eaten raw prove to be the most beneficial or you can add it to your salads.

16. Water detoxifies and smoothens your skin - Pure bottled water is really beneficial. You can also replace it with juices without any added sugar, herbal teas or mineral water. A fresh fruit like watermelon is also a good source of water.

To conclude, Antioxidants is the main thing in these above discussed foods that prevents you from aging. Antioxidants hunt for the free radicals that accelerate the effect of aging on our cells.

But remember one thing; you cannot change the laws of nature. It is the rule of nature to grow old but at least we can delay the aging process with these natural foods.

So, what are you waiting for! Just move ahead and get a new you! Enter into a new life full of youth, radiance and attraction!

Now go through this and get younger day by day with these anti-aging secrets.

Also to know the rootcause behind your aging process, Navneet Brar gives you information on the causes of anti-aging that will benefit you in one or the other way.

Article Source:

Anti Aging Anti Wrinkle Face & Eye Cream - Review of the Use of Anti Aging Cream

It is quite normal to expect people to want to look attractive and this might explain why anti-aging skin care products are so successful; it is only natural that as people get older they want to continue looking young so will use products that help them achieve this. Skin is important so a great deal of effort goes into the preparation of beauty products especially those that increase the production of collagen, which is the primary protein in skin; twenty-five per cent of the skin's protein is collagen. Most anti-aging products (collagen included) fall into a category of natural everyday products we all use; known as antioxidants, they are the bodies method of slowing down the aging process.

Probably the best known of these anti-oxidants is vitamin C although no-one really knows just how much we should have each day. Vitamin C formulated skin care treatments suffer with a particular problem of oxidizing on contact with the air which causes a problem for users and manufacturers.
To overcome this problem, manufacturers use alternative skin care treatments that still provide the same benefits but not the high manufacturing costs. These alternative products are not as effective as vitamin C but vitamin E and lipoic acid are anti-oxidants and are now being used.

Vitamin E is found in the blood and is an antioxidant that is also used to increase the bodies defenses against other health problems; it helps build resistance against infection like cancer for example. On the other hand, lipoic acid or alpha-lipoic acid is necessary for energy production which keeps us alive; it can also help reduce the aging process which affects the skin.
Phytochemicals aren't produced by the body but are extracted from a number of plants and used in many anti-aging skin care products to combat the signs of aging. A further benefit of these phytochemicals is their ability to prevent the onset of certain cancers; such as:

. Cancer of the Prostate

· Cancer of the Breast

. Colon Cancer

These types of cancer are also becoming some of the most prevalent worldwide.

It has also been discovered that there are anti-aging benefits to vitamins B5, B6 and B12. The use of anti-aging skin care products is a huge scientific field to research and has far greater potential than just producing goods that reduce the visible signs of age. There is no doubt that what has been learned so far is only a small part of the jigsaw puzzle; there is still a long way to go however, before methods that successfully reduce the effects of age are commonplace.

With the research that is now taking place, many people are confident that in time, more effective, cheaper anti-aging skin care products will be discovered. Scientific research into anti-aging products is still in the early stages but they should never be relied upon; in some respects the real way ahead lies in our own hands as there are many things we can do to reduce the signs of aging - naturally. Regular sleep patterns, exercise, a good healthy diet and less stress will all contribute to reducing the signs of aging, for instance!

The best anti wrinkle anti aging cream is now available to find in one easy to find place. Searching for the cheapest anti aging creams can be a long and frustrating task. Find all the top brand anti wrinkle skin care and anti wrinkle serum products at discount prices.

Article Source:

Anti Aging Supplement - Fighting The Effects Of Aging With Anti Aging Supplements

While anti aging cosmetics work directly on the skin's surface as topical treatments for the war against aging symptoms, anti aging supplements work from inside to provide a treatment that is intended to fight aging from the source. This means that anti aging supplements would be taken directly into the body either in the form of drinks, food, tablets, or injections. Anti aging supplements can be either hormone supplements or anti-oxidizing supplements - both are responsible for the signs of aging noticed on all individuals as they grow. By far the most popular however is hormone treatment for anti aging supplements.

A hormone is a protein based biological molecule. It is among the most vital within the body because it is involved in many specific neuro-transmission chains and signal patterns; it works closely with the brain to convey messages from all over the body, and likewise from the brain towards the rest of the body. Without hormones in fact, many neuro-transmission pathways would be useless because they would be unable to convey the signals being passed from the point source towards the brain and verse versa. Hormones are function-specific within the body. One hormone cannot perform the job of another and likewise the other cannot replace the former. They do however often work in conjunction with each other to send messages to and from the body.

If the body therefore becomes deficient of one hormone due to one reason or another, then the entire hormone balance becomes disrupted. This is also true for if a surplus of one type of hormone is stimulated within the body. Some of the hormones within the body are dependent upon other substances themselves, without which the production or effectiveness of the hormone within the body becomes useless.

These substances would include such basic nutrients such as fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and even some essential amino acids. If the body lacks these from a proper or well balanced diet, then it shows up in the skin. Most anti aging supplements take this factor into consideration and incorporate some of the more important or critical nutrients if not all.

Vitamins, minerals and fatty acids all work with each other to promote the anti aging process from within the body by providing anti-oxidizing features. By binding or blocking the free radicals within the body before they get the opportunity to wreck havoc on major organs such as the skin or the heart. Additionally, fatty acids and minerals work with other factors to help promote the absorption of key vitamins within the skin which may be essential for the anti-oxidizing process.

Other anti aging supplements that contain amino acids incorporate them into the anti aging fight by utilizing them to build new collagen or elastic tissue within the skin to replace the wrinkled or sagging ones. In addition, amino acids are also incorporated into the water retaining capacity of the skin for a healthy and glowing appearance.

David Yu writes about Anti Aging, Skin Care and Makeup for Tip4lady.

Article Source:

Anti aging

Here's our top predictions for younger looking skin in 2008 and beyond…..

Human Growth Factors -

not to be confused with human growth hormones - human growth factors (HGF) are a major focus for anti aging research by most big skincare companies. HGF can be applied topically and have a big impacton skin repair and collagen production. The technology is here now and available - SkinMedica's TNS Recovery Complex is the product to go for with the highest level of HGF on the market.

Skull lifts
facelifts aren't enough apparently - the bones of the face move with age and contribute to the aging look of our faces - it's not just our skin that goes south with age! The good news is that the research is focusing on injections to prevent the bone shift rather than using the knife to correct it.

Anti aging predictions for younger looking skin in 2008

Here's our top predictions for younger looking skin in 2008 and beyond…..

Stem cell injections.

- Russian anti aging research is focusing on using stem cells harvested from your own body to actually rejuvenate your skin. The downside is that the procedure is hugely expensive, untested and illegal in most of the world. Critics of the treatment say that it's unproven and unlikely to work - and at $30,000 a go - way beyond the reach of most of us.

Anti aging predictions for younger looking skin in 2008

Anti aging predictions for younger looking skin in 2008

Stem cell technology -

stem cells have a unique ability to protect and repair skin tissue. Dior's Capture R60 and R80 are the most important products arising from this research with a unique ability - so it's claimed - to protect the skin from further damage and deterioration.

Anti aging predictions for younger looking skin in 2008

Anti aging predictions for younger looking skin in 2008

Here's top predictions for younger looking skin in 2008 and beyond…..

Instant facelifts -
no really… space agency scientists and cosmetic chemists have already produced quick lift skin creams based on extreme cooling technology. Freeze 24/7 was an early version but the latest - from Icy Beauty - is due to launch shortly and claims to reduce wrinkles by over a third within an hour. How long it lasts and whether it really works in practice is yet to be seen but the drive to replace Botox and plastic surgery with topically applied anti wrinkle creams is a big trend.

Anti aging predictions for younger looking skin in 2008